Friday, October 27, 2006

Chickens up and running

Here is an update from Francis:

We have managed to buy three lots of chickens and the grown ones we have been selling them to shops around Mulanje. Some of the money we have been using to buy food and clothes for the orphans. The problem we faced here is that sometimes the chickens die but as of now the problem has lessened. The sad story is that the Agricultural Advisor who was helping us stopped to work with us because he was demand K2000 allowance every month which we failed.

As of now we are planning to plant maize because the weather is showing that any day we are going to receive the rains. This year we will only buy a little fertilizer because we will be using chickens droppings because they are good manure.

Are you having any plans this year of helping people with seeds as you did last year?

Regarding seeds, I am investigating micro-credit systems to see if there is a way that the small amount of money we are able to send can be used to get something sustainable off the ground.